Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Marketing the Foundation Degrees

I attended a meeting on Monday 19th March to discuss how the College could market the 'Creative Arts' foundation degree. Members of the Marketing team, the tutor for the course and the Head of Art met to discuss how we could take this forward.

We spoke about the possiblility of setting up a Moodle course to showcase examples of work from the foundation degree course with useful information for prospective students. A page on the College website could be developed to advertise and promote the Moodle course to give as much awareness as possible.

I am in the process of setting up the new course and working with the tutor (Hugh Sanders) on the Creative Arts FD to add the content. One good suggestion was to include good quality images from the students work and communication items so that the prospective students can communicate with the staff and current students on the course.

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