Tuesday 15 May 2007

Getting answers to questions !

I spent the morning in between supporting tutors with ILT relation problems, trying to find answers to some of the questions posed at the last project meeting which took place on 10th May.
  • Contacted all the tutors involved in delivering the Foundation Degrees for Complementary Therapies, Creative Arts, Heritage & Culture, Construction and Computing. I asked for possible answers to whether or not our foundation degrees have real employers and if the students have mentors.
  • I received a reply from Ian Smart, the tutor responsible for delivering the Computer HND course and he mentioned that Part time have real employers as they are working in Computing jobs. They can't do F/T because there is a need for a significant several month placement in a good computing position and we can't offer that in Shropshire unless the student can find one or are already working in one. This year all have opted to move to HND for Year 2.
  • Contacted the Director of Information and Planning to see where the Foundation Degree course descriptions come from; is it from Staffs Uni or our own institution systems.
  • Asked Evelyn Boyd the Team Leader for Shrewsbury College's LRC if the HE students are aware of the My Portal system.
    - Evelyn doesn't think the students are aware of any 'portal'.
  • Emailed to see who is responsible for HE in FE at Shrewsbury and detailed the WBL-Way project and what we are trying to achieve with the Foundation Degree work.

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